Contact me.

Badin Lake, NC



Cast n Cruise 4 hour Special!

Mornings/Evening on Badin lake aboard the Center Console Maycraft are a cool bargain!


Deposits are required to save the dates!

More detailed info will be emailed at deposit,

Balances are due one to seven days prior to our adventure. Within a week of our trip date I have already made reservations and purchased supplies for our adventure. Therefore I have blocked out your date from any one else making reservations. No refunds for cancellations within 1 days of scheduled adventure.

  • You can pay the minimum $100 deposit up to the full cost of your charter.

  • If you intend to pay the balance with a card, the full amount is due before the date of your charter.

  • If you intend to pay cash (preferred), the full amount is due immediately upon meeting.

  • Guide Tips and fish cleaning are not included in the base fee.

  • Venmo, PayPal and cashapp balances must be paid 24 hours prior.

Acts of God and inclement weather do not forfeit fees, we will simply reschedule to the next best mutually available date. 

No call no shows will forfeit all fees paid. 

Water, Ice and sunscreen are free on the adventure. You are welcome to bring any other beverages you’d like for the large cooler I have on board. No need to bring yours.

Alcohol over 21 is fine. Drunks are not.

No smoking.

Sun! I recommend just covering skin and wearing a light weight long sleeve and lightweight wicking pants. (see Photos) Good outdoor stores sell these for very reasonable prices in a variety of styles. Wide brimmed hats and polarized sunglasses help tame the glare of the sun. Close toed shoes are recommended as well. Sunburned or hooked feet suck!

Trips range from 4-8 hours. Packing a lunch/snacks is recommended. Remember to bring any medication you may need. I am a former first responder and CPR certified but let me know if you have any prominent bee sting allergies or any medical needs etc.

What happens when nature calls? Well we are outside but Most locations we launch from have a restroom option at the boat ramp  if we need to run back we will. 

Trips begin and end with lines in the water. I will have the boat in the water and ready to run so you can step in and go! Bring your stuff to the boat in soft bags to be placed in various storage compartment but please don’t over pack.

Leave your cooler in your car to take your catch home and check my social media for cleaning tips and tricks.